Pieris "Temple Bells"

This lovely "Lily of the Valley" shrub is growing in a purple pot in our garden. It is one of my favourite shrubs. When it is too big for its pot I will plant it out in the garden.
I am lying low for now as I have a nasty head cold and cough. I suspect I caught it when traveling on the plane to and from Sydney.
However, while drugged up on anti-histamines this morning, I and photographer friend, Ricky did a family photo shoot. We photographed a lovely 81 year old lady and her four adult children. They were a great group to work with and I hope we will be able to provide them with memorable images.
Tonight I am going to have a go at making coconut yogurt which will be dairy-free. I came across coconut yogurt in Sydney and it was yummy. So it will be an interesting experiment.

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