Port Askaig

Taken from the back of the Finlaggan as we left Islay. See the extra for the view a few minutes later as the Jura ferry arrived.

A busy day running a workshop on Islay, the first one of a few. I'm glad that's now under my belt. Next one on Tiree next week.

came home to a house even more chaotic than of recent days. The joiners have finished, the electrician looks nearly finished and the plasterer has started, what an unholy mess. We now have bits of plaster and dust in every room including the ones we are trying to live in. I could not even get in the bathroom due to furniture. In the midst of all this we had a house guest staying last night and we were trying to provide him with some dinner tonight, luckily he has now left.

Kids in bed and I have some calming music on in the kitchen where I am hidden with the doors closed.

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