Secret: Letting the cat out of the bag!

With the theme of Secret I immediately thought of the phrase 'let the cat out of the bag' - i.e. spilling the beans, telling the secret.
This photo is more of not really getting the cat in the bag to start with as Henry was a bit (well, quite a lot) reluctant to go in the bag so that he could be let out!

It was tricky to get enough of him in the bag and then grab the camera to catch him getting out. You can see he is intent on not getting any part of him in the bag again, so I left it at this.

It's been a wet day and I am missing the climate of southern France. However, off to Spain on Saturday so maybe it will be a bit warmer and drier there.

I am hosting MonoMonday for September, assisted by my photographer friend B4YUU. We will 'let the cat out of the bag'  and announce the new theme and the tag on Wednesday in our journals.  Watch this space!

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