Popped out for a poppy

Pretty warm this morning, not much sun, but very pleasant, so we decided a morning walk was a good idea.

We walked down to Viridor Woods, followed the paths right around the outskirts of the woods, saw lots of dog walkers, stopped for a few chats, someone said they'd seen a kingfisher and some deer at twilight one evening......so guess I'll be venturing back one evening shortly ;-)

On our way home we called into the newsagents for Sunday papers before heading home in time for hub to watch his footy team on Tv. We had tuna mayo and cucumber rolls for lunch, hubs team won, so he is happy.

The late game was my team, who lost, so I am not quite so happy :-/ . In between, we watered the baskets and tubs, hub dug up the last of the potatoes, I picked some runner beans and tomatoes for dinner later, to go with some nice sea bass.

This blip is of one of a few bright red poppies that are growing wild, beside the road on our walk..... they are a beautiful deep red colour. I've been meaning to photograph them for a few days! so here you have it.

Another day off tomorrow for all you workers........happy days ;-)

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