Healing Water

So today we were up bright and early after a good night's sleep in the bothy at Burleywhag. The weather outside was dreich and  Queensberry was covered by a fine mist. We set off up the hill and arrived early, but the horses were already at the top and in danger of being chilled by the lively wind which was whipping around the summit, so I had to hurry to get some decent photos.

We didn't hang around for long after they left, but headed on down towards Mitchellslacks, about an hour and a half's walk. By the time we arrived, the horses had been fed and watered and were resting in a stable at the farm. 

Jan, who had carried the healing spring water from Hart Fell, let us have a sip and then shared some with all the riders. One of the horses had lost a shoe on the way down and here is the farrier having a try of the water for himself.

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