Up to no good !!
The five rabbits that own us have claimed what was once a flower planter for their own digging box ... Actually they have claimed two of them .....I have to keep buying bags of potting compost to refill them ..
Rabbits are the most complicated pets EVER... They need so much space ,have very delicate digestive systems,can drop dead for seemingly no reason and are VERY VERY social and love to clean each other .
Anyone who thinks a rabbit is just a rabbit or call them boring is 1.not clued up about Lagomorpha 2.boring in my humble opinion and 3.the chances are I doubt I'd like them anyway ....
Recently I have met on my travels a couple of humans who don't like animals at all.... I didn't take to them and have not pursued being chummy...
Oh and another thing ... Rabbits are highly intelligent and our 5 are so well trained they come to their names and also go to bed when I shout the magic word 'MEATIES' ... That means they get their favourite evening meal.
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