Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Shaun in the city ..

City of Bristol ...
What a fabulous day ... Left here at 10am and arrived in Bristol in the pouring rain,no matter we were PREPARED !!!
70 Shaun the sheep are dotted in and around Bristol .. We managed 24 today in various areas ,some we had to drive to as they are dotted about a very large area.
We got soaked at one point yet we carried on as it became more and more hysterical every time we found a Shaun !!
We did the quayside area and then up to Clifton and also then some of the Downs and even got to the Botanical gardens ...
Two pub stops and a McDonalds to finish the tour... Left Bristol at 8pm and I was sat on my toilet by 9.10pm..
Tomorrow is day off then Thursday is day 2 of 'exciting things to do when camping cancelled' ...

ps... I don't know what Tits McGee is doing but it looks unsavoury .

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