This is a kitten who shreds toilet roll !! Her and the little ginger sister are the naughtiest kittens I've ever owned and I've owned a fair few ... One should have been called Satan and the other demon ...they enjoy knocking things off the table ... Grrrrrrrrrrrr weeny beasts.
I'm still looking at the wedding photos from yesterday . They are so fabulous I want to go watch them get married all over again ...
Plus the food was good so that was a bonus ;-)
I've been trying to write stuff for Uncle Bobs funeral which isn't until next Wednesday ... It's been a long time to wait, but you can only go as fast as the crematorium has spare dates :-( it's a shame that it's that booked up isn't it ... Mum and I get so far with the write up for the humanist to read and then we get hysterical .. I've said she should punch me in the head but mum didn't fancy that .. She prefers to sternly say 'stop that at once' in her Enid Blyton voice .. At least we can make each other laugh ...
My mum does have a terrific sense of humour,it's just as well really with me as her child .....
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