New Tenant

As far as 'technical' quality goes, this image wins no ribbons! It is, however one of my very favorite captures of late. This is a bat, probably a Southeastern bat, although I can't see enough of it to be sure of an accurate identification. I was cleaning out the many bird houses around our yard and when I slowly opened this one...I was surprised and thrilled that a very small bat had taken up residence. The bird house is a 'bluebird' house but the bluebirds have yet to use it. Oh, we did have a family of Carolina Wrens nest in it, but bluebirds?...none. People who know, have told me that just because one puts up a Bat doesn't guarantee  that bats will avail themselves of it. Seems they are rather picky! I think that this is a good sign though. So a Bat House is on the list! :) And on that note...the University of Florida boosts the largest occupied 'bat house' in North America, perhaps the world! This huge bat house was constructed in 1991 after thousands of bats were 'discovered' under an old stadium that was being demolished. Those bats were successfully moved to their new digs and the colony now numbers 100,000 or so individuals and since each bat consumes between 500-1000 insects a night, the University and the city of Gainesville are provided with free pest control.Here's a link to UF's Bat House...University of Florida's Bat House It's all good! 

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