
Off earlish to meet sis at Pilates before spending the day with Mum. I left home in plenty of time, but due to roadworks with 3-way traffic lights and an artic parked up, blocking our side of the road, I travelled a mile from home in 20 minutes arghhhhh!!!

Quick change at mums then off we went.....lunch first and a cuppa, then some mooching in M & S......none of us actually needed anything, but as you ladies will know,,that doesn't mean you,won't buy something ;-) in my case, I tried a lightweight dark green padded jacket on, really liked it, but decided to hold off until I'd double checked my other jackets that are currently still away until winter. At which point, mum said I quite like that, let me try it on.....needless to say, she only went and bought it!!! What's that saying.... "He who hesitates"!

Sis dashed back home as she had an appointment...mum and me went grocery shopping, after calling at sis's as she said she had some leftover lamb tagine that we could have for dinner.....very nice it was too :-)

It was lovely this morning, so managed to grab a quick shot of this lovely little tortoiseshell sunning itself on the wall of one of our raised beds. Don't you think it's shadow looks like Olaf from Frozen ???? :- D

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