A trip to Birkenhead

Another earlyish start, to take youngest to a couple of appointments.....first one on the Wirral, so a trip under the Mersey, a first for me!

We went for a walk whilst we waited for son. We wandered around the lovely park area, the war memorials and this rather impressive building, Birkenhead Town Hall, built circa 1880s.

The whole area had a lovely serene and quiet feel........we found a little cafe for a coffee. They were cooking bacon as people called in for bacon sandwiches and the like, hub managed to resist for all of 10 minutes. I was stronger...... other than a little bite of hubs sandwich ;-)

We then met up with youngest, drove back to his, before going out for lunch....and yes hub did have something, but it was only light with a side salad ;-) after that we took son for his other eye related appointment, which took about an hour, before driving him back home and then taking ourselves off home too, got back just before the rush hour thankfully!

We had to do some watering as although very grey and quite heavy and muggy today, no rain, although it looks more like 9.15 outside rather than 7.15!! Forecast says thunderstorms, might be right!

We will be off out quizzing tonight........you never know ;-)
Wish us luck ;-)

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