A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

En route

And I believe that is your actual French. Though I have spent most of the day proving yet again that I only have one foreign language compartment and now it is filled with Spanish I can only mumble and stumble some rather rubbish Franspanol.

This was taken on the morning coffee stop before I left the glorious Basque Country. Not before I enrolled Carlos in a plan to turn an aelement of the trip into a proper holiday.

An eager puppy thought we should hit the road early this morning and given that a number of factors have made the day harder and slower than I had hoped that turned out not to be a bad thing. And we now have 1100 miles under our belt and are settled in a very lovely hotel in the very pretty town of Chartres.

A lovely walk around the cathedral and some old cobbled streets and some restorative room service and I shall be having an early night in anticipation of the last leg tomorrow.

Lesley x

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