Grand Central Market, LA

It turned out that the drive to LA wasn't half a stressful as we thought it'd be. The City of Angels itself was another story - large loud, intense and something of a culture shock, especially after a few days chilling out in the desert. We left our car at the hotel whilst our room was being cleaned and headed out to mingle with the Hollywood crowds on the Walk of Fame and then had lunch at what must be the World's Biggest In 'N' Out Burger between Hollywood and Sunset Boulevards. after checking in properly, we took the Metro Downtown to Union Station, had a wander round El Pueblo de Los Angeles, a chat with the man who looked after the Methodist Church there and then went up by City Hall to ride the Angel's Flight funicular up to Bunker Hill. Unfortunately, in an echo of yesterday's adventures, it was closed, though there was no explanation as to why - or whether it was just for 'the season'. Instead we hit the Grand Central Market for ice cream and then strolled up past the Walt Disney Concert Hall to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels,  a massive, honey-coloured concrete auditorium with beautiful frosted alabaster windows. where we spent a little time recovering our composure before the free Thursday evening session at the Museum of Contemporary Art.

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