bucks life

By bucksmiss

Day 1

Day 1

I slept reasonably well and do like my little eco pod room, though I'm glad I'm not sharing. That would have been a bit cosy and I do so like to be able to flop in my own space.

We had a talk about colonic irrigation first off. Yes, really! More on that later this week... Eek! Then a long talk on the beautifully comfortable sun balcony from the part owner of the retreat, a beautiful woman with so much vibrancy, who is herself a great advert for this place. This was followed in no particular order by a gym induction; my first ever yoga class (not a pretty sight for those behind me on the mats I can tell you); a swim in the infinity pool (another first for me); a nice chat with an interesting lady in the hot tub as well as a lovely in it, float eyes closed.

I've been weighed and measured too. Then it was 20 minutes in the sauna with the fabulous view out over the lake, followed by more hot tub, followed by 'rebounding', bouncing around on little trampolines to music - I couldn't actually do more than a rather wobbly bounce up and down while most others managed twists and turns but decided I need to start somewhere! Then we had a motivational film to finish.

I've tried to speak to and remember the names of as many people as I can (we are 38 in total) and so far I've found some really interesting people from all over the world.... Perth, (Australia), Colorado, Caribbean, Spain, Luxembourg, Ireland, Romania and the UK. There are some I could easily spend time with. Another great thing is that we are all very different shapes, sizes and ages and I'm finding that most reassuring. The non judgmental, supportive atmosphere is also giving me a lot of hope for a good stay here.

After all that, weirdly I haven't actually felt I've done a huge amount as there is so much time to do nothing and I found myself often thinking, what's next? I obviously need to wind down a bit before I will start to feel relaxed enough not to worry about what's next!

I've had just four green juices to eat all day and loads of water. That's got to be a good start on this particular part of my weight loss/fitness journey.

The sun was not much in evidence today but I am assured the rest of the week will be a scorcher...

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