Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Tuning up

Today was the last day for the student concerts that form part of the local Pablo Casals music festival, one of the oldest music festivals in the world. These take place in pretty village churches in the environs of Prades and this concert was in Joch, right under the Canigou mountain. The students come from all over the world and today's selection included France, the USA, Great Britain, Korea, China, Japan, Poland and Turkey. The standard was extremely high as these are the professional concert orchestral musicians of the future. There was one amusing surprise piece as a couple of the students played a duo on a double bass! (see below) The concert was made all the more memorable as, after waiting for an hour, there was a scrum to get in. As I sat in my seat, another man tried to get into it before me.  He ended up sitting on my lap and shouting and swearing at me!  He got up and then threatened me and swore some more causing a great commotion.  Eventually he took himself off elsewhere.  I know the French don't like queuing but this was ridiculous!

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