Under the Boardwalk

What a glorious and gorgeous summers day we've had, finally :-)

After breakfast we jumped in the car and off to the seaside we went! We'd already decided that we would, subject to the weather being good ;-)

I even gave my shorts an outing today, and hubs bare feet made an appearance too haha!

We parked up on the seafront in Southport and set about walking the length of the coastal road from before the pier towards ainsdale and back again. The beach was quite busy, lots of cars parked up with people having picnics, flying kites, playing cricket, football....you name it, it was all going on! As usual, the sea was nowhere to be seen, miles out!

We had fish and chips for lunch, with a cuppa, of course.......it was absolutely delicious! No dinner tonight after that! After lunch we walked up the pier and back, then down the the coastal road the other way.......plenty of exercise to walk off those calories ;-)

Drove home around 4ish........after we stopped off half way for an icecream (!) Got home, more watering, then hub mowed the lawn, as the forecast tomorrow afternoon onwards is heavy rain apparently!

Then daughter arrived back from a business trip....followed shortly afterwards by Emily who has had a lovely 10 days holiday with her Dad.....she was very happy to see her mum though, and grandy and grandma too :-) she was equally happy to see partner too when he arrived back after a hard days work around at their house. Might be moving back home in a day or two all being well.

Hub and I are planning to pop out into the garden later tonight to do some meteor spotting hopefully :-). We had 10 minutes last night and saw one! Might set my camera and tripod up ;-)

Took,lots of photos today.....this was the very first one I took, which as you can see is the underside of Southport pier.....I like the light, shadows and lines :-) it looks better large, IMHO !

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