Boats in the afterglow

Firstly thanks for all your wishes for a good nights sleep last night, pleased to report I crashed out and got a good 8 hours, only woke a couple,of,times :-)'

Up, showered, hair washed, fruit for breakfast, out into the car wearing my Pilates gear, with mums cake, some runner beans and tomatoes that hub picked, and plums from next doors tree too.

Same old in terms of the traffic and the time it took me to get over there, had the usual five minutes to spare as I raced up the stairs into the studio, unrolled my mat, and begin! Sis and friend, already there ;-)

Afterwards we went to mums, got,changed then off for lunch and mooch around M&S. Some of their fitness range were in the sale, so got myself a couple of bargains, much to sis's disgust, who'd paid full price, only a couple of weeks ago! ;-)

Popped into Sainsburys for a couple of things, then back to mums. Sis shot off sharpish as Bailey (her dog)'had been on his own for longer than she likes to leave him.

Mum and I sat in her rocker in the back garden, with a cuppa, then I cleaned out her birdbath, and pump from the fountain to see if I could get it working. I'm not convinced it's charged up's solar. So we will have to wait and see. I cooked tea for us, mum liked her cake :-) we had a slice after dinner.

Mum was showing me her certificate that she got, as a girl, when she played the piano.

I was a little late leaving tonight, just before 8, but I had a plan for a blip, as the sunset was looking like it might be a good one! I got halfway home on the dual carriageway only to be diverted, as it was closed between 2000 and 0600 hrs for resurfacing!! So was sent on a merry dance through 3 villages and towns that I hadn't been through before. By the time I got to my planned destination, it was too late, the said sun had set.......:-( hence the afterglow, which is quite nice I guess!

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