
By bananablip

ma petite maison

gosh, last night was hot. we had to make the difficult decision of having the front windows closed and sweating to death or having the front windows open and be kept awake by traffic. fortunately, it's only ever hot enough on approx. two nights of the year to have to make this decision.

had great fun today playing trivolle at a young carers event. somehow, we ended up in the music room and i was handed a guitar by a teenage girl. she told me she knew i could play it because i used to take her assemblies when she was at ellesemere primary school (probably 8 years ago!) and then at lakelands secondary school and more recently at mary webb, where she is now a pupil. how funny is that?!

this evening we've had our final 'spoons evening as we all start to go our separate ways from now on (for a little while at least). poor tjc got so heavily interrogated that he'll probably never come to another 'spoons evening again. 

(this pic will serve as a reminder that my top windows need painting). 

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