
By bananablip

the ups and downs of drinking coffee

second consecutive day at work. shouldn't be allowed during august. managed to update all our policies, update our website and make some arrangements for freshers blah blah blah.

thankfully i made it through the working day relatively unharmed and headed straight to ginger and co for coffee with ss and lucy. i think it's fair to say that shrewsbury has now reached coffeehouse saturation point, as today we found out that one of our faves 'eat up' is closing down. we really try and support our local, independent coffee shops in shrewsbury but right now there are simply too many to visit, unless you have endless cash and time. in better news though, lucy (pictured above) is joining blip. hoorah! lucy and i formed the ndola photography club (3 members, including us, who met once). anyway, lucy is brilliant and a fellow shrewsbury-ite so it will be great to also have her in the blip world.

goan fish curry for dinner, followed by more monopoly. i'm kind of glad we didn't start this obsession earlier in sakala's stay, i can't imagine the countless hours we could have wasted otherwise.

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