Bright Spark

It's funny - sometimes, the days you think are going to be pretty hideous (baby's first day of Chicken Pox, tipping-it-down rain, tired Mummy, tired baby, tired child) can end up being brilliant.

As soon as I realised Ida had the chicken pox we had to cancel our day of plans - we had a birthday party to go to and an afternoon of fun with a friend and her son so Arlo was absolutely GUTTED when I told him we were going nowhere and he was going to nursery after all.

Fortunately, he's as easy to persuade as I am so I told him he could watch a Ben 10 AND play Mario for a little while after nursery to make up for it. SOLD! Just as well really, because he didn't have much choice.

It ended up being a nice day of pottering about - drawing, colouring, building things, singing, dancing, being Spiderman (him), being Spiderlady (me), being Spiderbaby (Ida - she wasn't that up for it), reading books, watching telly and cooking nice food. I even got a bit of time to write a new draft of a story I wrote recently and did a bit of sewing.

I have just read that last paragraph back and I sound like I'm being interviewed by Good Housekeeping. Hold on till I slap myself.

Okay - back to reality. All of that is true above, but I should (for balance) also mention the NEVERENDING snot from Ida, the 4 dirty nappies, having to put Arlo on the time out spot twice for cheek, the face paint stripes down my hall wall, arguing with a 4 year old about Mario and making him cry, smashing a cup (totally unrelated incident) and spending most of the night opening the fridge, looking at the wine, and then closing the fridge again.

Phew. Much better.

It ended with finding a birthday present that had been 'put away' and then 'never seen again till now' which was this cool birly, whizzy, lighty up thing on a metal stick. Like a yo-yo but on a track. I am sure it's called something else, but even Bry has no idea. So i'm going with Electric Yo-Yo on a Metal Track. Snappy.

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