
Bry's on holiday this week - in a lovely limbo place between finishing his old crap job and starting his new lovely job (the 1 of 2 he'd been offered, nay begged to take). We thought we'd see how the weather was when we woke up this morning before making any concrete plans and after checking 8 different weather reports we decided it was going to be a good day to get down to East Links Farm down in Dunbar.

What a place! Have you been? Go! I command you. We all had so much fun, it was just brilliant. Well, except Ida who slept the entire time and woke up just before we set off for home with a soaking wet, dirty nappy - but maybe that was just her way of saying she was having a good time?

We went on the train and fed the animals (animals + chucking stuff + trains = Arlo's head throbbing with joy), bombed about on go-karts, had a picnic, shot each other with foam balls, balanced on rope walkways, hurled ourselves down big slides (Arlo's got the fat lug to prove it), bounced on trampolines, swung on swings and generally had a rip roaring good time.

When we got in the car Arlo declared it was the 'Best Park Ever' and then demanded we put on some music whilst he ate his chocolate biscuit. Fair enough, young man! I put on Talking Heads 'Psycho Killer' (no reason other than it brings great bubbles of joy) and he LOVED it. It's his new favourite song apparently.

Ah lovely. Can't beat doing wonderful things with and for your kids (when they're not being greeting nightmares). Unlike tomorrow when I have to take Ida for her first set of jags....greeting nightmare alright. No wonder.


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