Musical Mumps

After the family BBQ got cancelled for this weekend we decided to stay on the scorched isle and attend the play group disco.

What can I tell ya? Life with the Family Dog is one long rock 'n' roll bender.

It was actually brilliant. Or HELLISH depending on which way you looked at it. Despite getting a head ache, we all had loads of fun. The kids especially. Arlo won 'best boy dancer' and came top 3 in musical statues so he was very pleased with himself.

Ida spent most of the time dancing her little heart out. This picture shows her looking miserable playing musical chairs but she wasn't. She'd just fended off a bigger boy who had tried to push her off her all important seat.

Anyone that knows Ida knows that would not fly. The boy trotted on his somewhat less merry way after Ida's death stare/finger point in face/stone cold 'no'.

Atta girl...

D. I. S. C. O.

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