County Fair

I wish that I had the Blip choices every day, that I had today.

The Shiawassee County Fair brings out the choices. All the barnyard animals come out (except for the chickens...because of the avian flu), and then you get artwork, photography, canned and fresh vegetables, and Aunt Mable...who made a quilt. looking to take home the coveted blue ribbon.

We got to the show barn just as the sheep pairs were being judged. The idea is to pick out two ewes that are close to each other in both size and stature. A young man from our church was showing his sheep, and he ended up winning the blue ribbon in his division.

It was funny...last Sunday we were having lunch with his Grandpa, and Grandpa's phone rang. "Grandpa, I'm already at the fair, and my sheep just had a prolapse (sheep hemorrhoids), and it's sticking out her butt. WHAT DO I DO?"

Grandpa answered..."Get yourself some sugar, and mix it with water. Get it as sticky as you can, and shove it back in."

How would you like to listen to that discussion as you're trying to eat your salad?

The picture is of Merrick and my daughter Karen. He was a really good boy today as we toured the fair. Check out my Flickr page for more shots of Merrick, and a variety of animals. Oooooohhh, how I love county fairs.

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