New pond plant

Another lovely sunny day......awake early it was so bright!

We went round to daughters house to lend a hand with some cleaning and clearing......there
Is still so much painting to be done, but they have made inroads....more of the same tomorrow, for them at least!

We got back home around 1.30 so we treated ourselves to fried tomatoes from the greenhouse, with grilled bacon and some fresh crusty bread.....mmmm tomatoes were just gorgeous!

Then it was out into the garden again to finish off cutting back the yew's so much better now! Also cut back a spikey Berberis, lethal ....we are both covered in tiny scratches!!

I cleaned the pond of duckweed and algae, found a dead frog :-( too.... This plant is one of three new pond plants I got last year..they've all done really well, didn't know what this would look like in flower, am quite pleased with it..... Also with the red lobelia, but it's not quite in flower yet! Maybe a blip for next week!

After all our hard work we both had quick showers to get rid of the dust and the crawlies and leaves....then sat out in the garden, in what was left of the sun, with a bottle of beer :-)

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