Blue eyed girl

Today we've been to see middle son, his wife and their four girls :-)

It was sunny at home as we left, but as we headed down the M6 there was a lot of cloud, but sure enough as the day progressed it brightened up and was quite sunny!

The older two were upstairs playing with Lego, newest addition was sleeping in her swing, and Olivia was running around like the proverbial Tasmanian Devil, not that you'd know, looking at her angelic face here ! ;-)

After lunch we played out in the back garden, and some friends called round, with their 3 and 4 children respectively, so we had 11 children, 9 of which were 4 and under, and 7 was quite a gathering!!!

Olivia is going through the typical twos phase, where everything is "mine" and sharing.....well you can forget that......for the time being anyhow ;-)

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