The Wren

By TheWren

A dappled haven

I decided to have a quiet walk today along the river as tomorrow is scheduled to be rather inclement - no surprise there!

When Cara and Bruce went for a walk with my friends yesterday, Bruce rather blotted his copy book and went walkabout, completely ignoring their calls to come in, despite the fact that in the last 10 minutes of his absence he could actually see them! Naughty boy. Anyway, wherever he had been was very muddy and he arrived home caked in dry mud up to his tummy so a watery walk seemed sensible today. The sun was shining and it was nigh on idyllic with the shallow stream running fairly fast over stones, birds singing amongst the thick foliage and wild flowers everywhere. You can see both dogs in the blip, noses down, enjoying the smells. They thoroughly enjoyed both the walk and the water and came home with clean coats, wagging tails and hungry tummies.

Once home I took my scheduled dose of painkillers along with soup and yoghurt, both home made, and decided to have a couple of quiet hours in the garden before the rain. Having seen a couple of other blips showing black fly on broad bean shoots and green fly on other plants I gave mine a thorough health check. Touch wood, all is healthy at the moment and I was particularly pleased when I found a large number of slugs drowned in a small tub of beer left specifically for their delight! In the greenhouse, which i have yet to water tonight, I am pulling strawberries while both blueberries and grapes are coming on nicely. Also in comfort under glass and growing well are tomatoes, cucumbers, green pepper and one courgette plant (the others are outside to try and stagger the crop). My wormery is now well established and producing some excellent liquid fertiliser and so I was able to feed a number of plants, which is very satisfying.

It is now time for a cuppa!

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