The Life and Times of ...

By PappaG

Nosey Pecker

Evening all,

Busy busy busy day......bleedin ridiculous.....I know they pay my wages but now I'm supposed to work for it......not enough hours in the day sometimes to blip, reply, comment, check other pics out, read blip I'm expected to work....pah !!!! Expecting a bit much like....... ;0)

This lil guy jumped in front of he did......a lil dance, burst into song,cracked a few ...ok ok....took it a little far ....but he did jump in front of he wins the blip choice ;0)

Nightmare getting onto blip tonight.....if I dont manage to catch up tonight I'll try catch you all tomorrow.....surely they cant expect two days in a row??? ;0)

Have a great evening ;0)

TTFN ;0)

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