The Life and Times of ...

By PappaG

The Pond

Afternoon all,

I live in a landscape, which every single day of my life is enriching - Daniel Day-Lewis..........Cripes!! I feel the same way....when did Daniel move next to me ?!!! ;0)

Beautiful day.........Thank you for everyone who commented on HB's High School Tour....he loved it,,,....,so much so, when he came home yesterday he was running away at the mouth trying to tell me everything that happened at once!! His clothes were picked out and ironed ready for today BEFORE dinner !!! See if that lasts when he goes after the summer.......just so glad it went well ;0)

My Dad needs to go for an operation......blockage in his 84 this comes with its own worries!! ;0(

Have a great day ;0)

TTFN ;0)

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