Lazy Cat
Morning All,
When are your drawers full?? Keep it clean please...this is a family blip lol!!
So .....Ladies .....when have your drawers got enough items of clothing in them?? When they reach the top?....when you can't close them??....when you cant close them and stuff is spilling out?? ....or when you pack so much into them the drawers are falling off the runners, the backs have given out, the sides are buckled and your still trying to squeeze that new top into it??
The latter is when Younger G thinks she needs to have a clear out (8 Black bags of it!!) tops with tags shoes discovered....a pair borrowed from Mum who had never worn them returned a year later....and half the neighbourhood reclothed !!! ;0)
Guess what I'm doing today?? Yeah .......miracle work on a set of drawers then reinforcing them to last !!!! ;0)
This cat has my idea what a day off should be.....("I'm sleeping and even though I am....I will not be shifted from here !!!")
Cue......lazy music.....oh and here's something for a giggle....!!! ;0)
Have a great day ;0)
TTFN ;0)
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