A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Diving in

Somewhere in there is a girl having a diving lesson. Turns out if you spend half your life upside down in a cartwheel or handstand you get the concept pretty quickly and are quite comfortable throwing yourself upside down.

Today seems to have been either pool or food related. Two big pool sessions, including "encouraging" the dog to come in which was generally hilarious although largely unsuccessful at getting her to do it by herself. She does seem to be able to swim but didn't quite cotton on to where the steps to get out we're which meant a lot of carrying her back to them. And it turns out that a waterlogged fur coat on a dog gets quite heavy. Best of all was that she spent most of the time we were in the pool doing laps around the edge with various balls and pool toys in her mouth. So many in fact that we haven't had to worry about taking her for a walk.

The eating food part was well spilt between a delicious fresh fish lunch at a restaurant on the beach in town and Barbacoa de Carlos at home tonight. Steak and corn cooked to perfection.

And the other food part was the mega, fill the fridge to overloading, start of the holiday shop.

The kids have loved being reunited with the pool. What am I saying, we all have. And possibly best of all J has had a close to normal day and bedtime.

I haven't quite found the time / energy to unpack completely but essentially set-up day is done.

Lesley x

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