A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Bring me sunshine

Morecambe and Wise would be so very proud, I'm sure. It started out as a civilised post lunch promenade. Not sure what happened.

Active morning of various forms of exercise followed by massive cooling down session in the pool. A snack on the terrace and into town for lunch. I think we were all so exhausted from yesterday and with the total quiet and the pitch blackness everyone slept late this morning which has helped us transition smoothly into Spanish time.

Now folks are starting to come to after siesta'ing wherever a cool spot could be found. I may regret not having snoozed later but my book (The Vacationers, Emma Straub) is such perfect Spanish summer holiday reading that I couldn't miss the chance for an uninterrupted hour with it.

There may be some more pool time to come but first I must marinade some pork chops for the BBQ. And possibly another ten minutes with my book...

I know, Sundays can be tough.

Lesley x

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