bucks life

By bucksmiss

Blipmeet at mine

It was a varied day.

It started with PT and 'training like a track and field athlete' which involved some running. Hmmmmm. I was pleased when it was over and it definitely did me good. I then met C and the bubbles in this cafe in Buckingham for breakfast and a long overdue catch up. Tilly's two new teeth were in evidence and Teddy and I had a giggle with him very cheekily not letting me help feed him his yoghurt. He has a wicked sense of humour and kept teasing me. He seemed to like the shiny stickers I got him too. He and I had a wander round the next door ladies shoe shop. He took a fancy to some sparkly white sandals and enjoyed checking himself out in the mirror!

Then after a quick shop, blipper RadioGirl arrived for the weekend. It was lovely to see her and we had a late and leisurely salad lunch outside in the lovely sunshine under the parasol until about 6.

It was off to the theatre in MK to see Agatha Christie's 'And Then There Were None' which was a corking play. It kept you engaged the whole way through and the set was cool. (I booked the tickets in bed online first thing in the morning and was obviously not quite awake as I thought I'd booked the front row of the circle and it turns out I'd booked the back row...Whoops!

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