
By Exbeeb

The meaning of Pi..


I've never had pigeon pie, but perhaps a hundred years ago it would have been a common dish. Where we live, the pigeon population wouldn't fill even a corner of Trafalgar Square (which I am sure had less pigeons the last time I saw it than it did in the days of my youth).

They can be a bit daft, which probably comes from their, shall we say, opportunistic nature? What's that? New grass seed on the lawn - we'll have some of that. Breadcrumbs on the bird table - we'll have some of that too. What? A cat in the bush - we'll... ooer.

Yes they do succumb to cat paws every now and then, leaving flight feathers strewn over grass, trailing into nearby bushes where large cat has dragged it's carcass.

But this one was avoiding all this stupidness and had launched itself from a neighbour's roof with that familiar 'clap', flapped itself skywards a few metres and then relaxed into a glide to land on our roof where he could survey the world from another viewpoint.

I must also flap out of here immediately, as I have to go view photographs from another viewpoint, as it is the A-level photography exhibition at G's school this afternoon.

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