Gull Yoga

This is mom, or maybe it's dad (see yesterday's blip), relaxing with a bit of meditative yoga.  Raising three chicks can be exhausting so I'm sure this helps.  

I'm having some internet complications so my ability to post blips and communicate is a bit sketchy.  I've discovered what it feels like to be cut off from communication and I have to admit it was a bit unsettling.  My phone was acting up too.  I think the universe may be trying to tell me something but whatever it is isn't going to come by computer or phone. 

We had a great family lunch this afternoon with my daughter, my grandson Dustin and his fiancee Kenzie, and my grandson Brandon who was here from Oregon for a friend's wedding.  I didn't know he was coming so it was a wonderful surprise for me.  I know it's inevitable that kids/grandkids grow up and go about their own lives, but I wish we could get together more often.  Nowadays it takes a real effort to coordinate work schedules, etc. so we can all have time  to see each other and the older I get, the more precious those moments become.    

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