
I think this gull was having a wonderful time, at least he looked like he was to me. Something about the angle of his head and that gorgeous wingspan just made me feel as though he was enjoying himself and I thought for a second I knew what it felt like to spread a pair of wings and fly.

My blip buddy, Mary Jo, and I spent the afternoon at the marina with bags of bread taking way too many pictures, but it was great fun. When I got home I went to my "Birds of the Puget Sound Region" to see if I could figure out what kind of gull this was. It's not as easy to identify them as one would think, but I believe this is a Ring-Billed Gull (Larus delawarensis). Of course, it could be a Mew Gull (Larus canus). Obviously, I don't know one gull from another. There are plenty of birders in this area so I suppose somebody will set me straight, at least I hope so.

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