It's Up To Lizzie

She has to provide the blip today mostly because I didn't go anywhere or do much of anything.   Her nose is a bit out of joint anyway because I've posted so many blips of other creatures.  Speaking of other creatures, I ignored the osprey who fished for his breakfast, lunch and dinner.  I figured if he thought maybe I was no longer interested he'd be more cooperative.  I don't think that'll work but it's worth a try.  

My blipbuddy Mary Jo and I are planning a trip to Seattle's finest camera store, Glazers, in a couple weeks.  We are both contemplating some new equipment, maybe full frame.  If any blippers have any suggestions or recommendations, they would be welcome.  I'm a Nikon gal so I'm researching the D610 and the D750.  Of course, money is an issue, but at my age I'm inclined to be a bit foolhardy since I would probably only spend it on a nursing home down the road and I'd rather have a camera now.  Not the best logic in the world, I know.    

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