All the fun of the fair

This in no way represents any part of my day but I thought it was a nice scene. The rest of the fair stretched along the sea front is a noisy, horrible affair that I would have previously adored.

Ever such a productive day, started off by starting to convert the weedy, overgrown, neglected, dusty garden into a beautiful oasis of calm and delight. Fully furnished my office, adding a bookshelf and armchair to complement the desk and chair. It's a lovely place and at last I have a place for my my book overflow.

No one else wanted to go into them so I set forth for a peaceful couple of hours on my own for getting ready for holiday shopping. I have bought varieties of sun cream and plasters and from the wealth of Worthing charity shops, 9 new books. The wonder of my new books is that they cost me well under a tenner so I will just leave them for someone else to read and replace them with beautiful souvenirs in my suitcase. This approach worries Daisy in that I may be told off off for littering.

Making pizza for tea. And that's about it, happy Saturday x

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