Walking the Wall

Although we had a late night eating and drinking with friends we were up early enough to be disappointed with the wet and cold day.

Our plan was to take our southern friend for a walk along Hadrian's Wall, so we decided a bit of rain wouldn't stop us. It was an hour in the car to get there, and we were rewarded by the sun appearing. We walked from Steel Rigg to Housesteads (and back), and it was just gorgeous. It's definitely my favourite bit of the wall as it us picturesque and has enough steep ups and downs to make it feel like we've had a decent work-out. Dennis loved it though as he's used to flat country his legs are a bit sore.

My extra picture was going to be the boys playing Roman soldiers under the Robin Hood tree (for some reason it was chosen as a location in the Kevin Costner film) but not only will the photo not load, but also I lost all my journal, so I won't try again. No time, need to get a shower and go out for a meal.

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