Boys will be Boys

Every picture tells a story. 

Today was the demolition of the shed.    The shed has sat in two gardens, and has lasted as long as I have been on this earth which means it is over  44   45  46 years old. 

Dad Mk 2 wants a new one.  I think maybe I talked him into a Gin Palace today.   

Si came over to help, so the men could do "Men things".   They had mallets, saws, and an axe.   

I was told to stay out of the way.  It was "dangerous". 

I found a piece of wood with my name on it - I wrote my name in chalk when I was maybe 10.... that was probably the last time I played "schools", or "house" or "hospitals".  That shed could be ANYTHING. 

Then I decided to "Help".   I stood in the street about 5 ft away from Si as he was being "dangerous".  

I stood and looked at him as the piece of wood he was holding was bashed, and I still stood there, as the plank of wood left him, in my direction and watched it as it came over and clonked my on the bonce. 

It then fell down and the nail which missed my head scratched my leg on the left, and finished on the Right. 

I should have stayed clear of "men's work"

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