Steam train

We headed into Aviemore this morning, to the holiday house where our friends are staying. Their cottage backs on to the steam train line so Kerr and Kerrsdaddy waited on it passing so they could wave at it.

We all walked into the town and had a fantastic lunch at the Cairngorm Hotel. Huge portions and very yummy! Kerr chose bangers and mash again, followed by ice cream with strawberry sauce.

After lunch, the men took Kerr and baby L back to the house, while J and I had a girlie wander around the shops. We were very restrained and bought very little indeed.

We came back to the caravan site late afternoon. Kerr has had great fun playing at the play park and on his bike and scooter. We didn't need much dinner at all tonight after such a big meal earlier, so we've just had a light snack.

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