Tractor Tuesday for Schorchi !

Last week Schorchi found a real gem for TT. When I showed this to Mr Tbay he was most interested, and then said he had the model ( made by Schucco) of the Massey Ferguson version of this particular tractor, and this is it!

The MF 1132 is 132 horse power and has a six cylinder turbo engine and was made by Eicher for MF between 1976 and 1979. Schucco also make a model of an Eicher 3145 ( Schorchi tractor last week) which is pretty much the MF 1132 but in Eicher livery!

Farming - Two on compost hauling and Rusty out with the dump trailer again. Mr Tbay Jnr preparing for the Countryside Day tomorrow.

I had a very hectic day. Invitation finished sealed stamped and posted Hoorah! Did a huge shop in preparation for catering at the weekend at Mrs R's daughter wedding. I am doing food for the helpers on the Friday and have also arranged the food for the Sunday too. Also now bs tarting to make food to freeze for my our Wedding so I have a constant supply of quick easy food in large quantities. Phew!

It has been seriously, and can I say irritatingly , windy all flipping day. I am not a fan of wind at the best of times but when trying to do jobs outside it is a pain. However it will have dried the hay out a bit that is still down, just in time for more downpours!

Tomorrow is set be be dry but much colder. Hmm, not what I ordered for a day outside with hoards of school children!

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