
By TBay

Thank you Joanny!

I have been so very bad over the past few months and slipped into the habit of just not bothering. Today I picked up a comment from Joanny who wondered if all was well with the Tbays. I assured her I was and she replied that she hoped I would be prompted into restarting blipping on a more regular basis!

It worked and I decided that I must once more try to get into the swing of my daily blip.

This is Mr Tbay and Mrs Tbay Jnr at the end of the day. We have been very busy farming wise trying to dodge the showers. Poor Mr Tbay Jnr has been pretty stressed this season trying to out smart the weather! I think it's pretty much 1 - 1!!

Farming - Joshy silaging, Andrew compost hauling, Mr Tbay Jnr tedding. Rusty on holiday! Mr Tbay on mowing duties. Also had one on for another contractor.

We are all very busy in preparation for little Misses Christening next weekend. Watch this space! Much gardening done and general tidying up around the place. I managed to cook the Christening cake, a monster 14 " sponge cake. I ended up making 2 in the end because my first attempt did not meet my standards. I will not repeat what Mr Tbay said!!

We had a bit of a scare with little Miss two days ago when she inexplicably developed a temperature of 40oc and was very floppy and unresponsive. The ambulance was called and duly taken to the Bristol Children's Hospital. After several hours the managed to get her heart rate under control and her temp was a little better. Home she came, and by the following morning she was much better if not still a little quiet. However all is back to normal now. Phew.

Rabbit update. - I bl***y hate them. They have now moved in to the garden . It's like bunny bleeding central in the morning on my lawn. I have had to grow my veg in tubs this year as they have thoughtfully set up camp in the side of my veg garden under our the outside privy. Grrrrrrrrr. Despite the best efforts of Pip and Lula the population continues to expand at a very alarming rate. Hmmmmm.

Good to be back. Hopefully see you tomorrow.

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