
The One and Only Grand Old Lady of Finland: Paula Koivuniemi on stage in Aitoo, Kirkastusjuhlat 2015 rock festival.

If you like to hear small part of her late shows, here is link to her gig in Jyväskylä this year. The song tells about a moment as she is hearing Tom "Tomppa" Jones music. 

Brilliant singer, who by her age could be my morher. Born in 1947's and started her career in 1960's, has always renewd her repertory and is still selling good. Even teens like her and during the gig people of all ages sung her songs aloud.

Amazing lady, with a stunning good orchestra. Guitarists even better than the One, I introduced yesterday. Some additional shots included.

I enjoyed so, so much during this gig and the other conterts too in Aitoo. So relaxing evening and night indeed - but I could not stand another/ third night anymore. My back is kiling me, knee too :(

The concerts do continue in monday!


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