in Concert

The man in the blip, Juha Tapio, is a finnish artist who has so beautiful songs. One of his best hits in the link , translated in english "I like you so much that I'll be fractured..."

We visited in his concert today in the country there was this rock and pop happening Kirkkarit in Aitoo as in every year..... So marvellous, but all too loud mixed.

I may be an old fart already - but I'd need earblugs in concert, and was sorry as I forgot ones at home.

Warm day, +24c and sunny, evening warm too in Aitoo. What a marvellous luck for the happening - and so nice for all of us. We had our breakfast, lunch and dinner and also late night dinner outdoors - really enjoyable warmness in the air after all that coldness this far!

Have a relaxing weekend!

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