Corn flowers

Rainy day.
Cleaned the freezer. 

Visited dad to take him some acceories the nurses needed for him. 

And I had a final rage with my mobile, as it stopped working in the middle of phonecall and refused to wake up. So I bought a new one. Actually I made a deal to a new phone and I also changed to a new operator. So maybe in thursday or friday I will have basicly unlimited everything with 50MB data moving in - if the 4G is not too busy with other users around...  

My back has been killing me again. God, I hate it... but of course there is nothing else to do than excercise and kill the pain. So I killed the pain and excerised. :)

And I had a nice moment in the evening and made a 4' art video of my droplets...

In the evening I realized that I do not have any blip yet. So I picked few Corn flowers from the garden into a vase. Even if the table cloth is not too suitable to the vase, the small bouquet looks nice... Sorry to see the blip is unsharp - like me - what a pity!

Take care!

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