No flies on him....

Another day of chaos ! The silage team cracking on with the last 40 acres . Couldn't get it all in the pit here,so had to put the last 20 acres in next door pit. This means that there are now 2 pits to sheet with plastic and tyres to keep the air out. In among all the tractors in and out, one of the heifers decided to start calving . Needed a caesarean so had to take the sheep decks out the trailer,load her up and take her next door to the crush there,as couldn't get near the crush here for tractors !. That took  till  lunch time ,then spent the afternoon,and most of tonight chucking tyres on the pit here. Will need to finish it tomorrow,as shearing here on Friday.
The diesel tank took a hammering when the silage kit all filled up before they left -3097 litres to be precise!
Nipped over to feed wee brothers sheep tonight and checked the in calf heifers. It is so muggy today that the flies were murder,so had to resort to my $3.99 kiwi fly net. Not the most fashionable of head wear but it kept the wee buggers off !

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