I am a tiger!

Went out last night, it was fab, only up to the neighours, but there was no monitor to listen for, no sleepy wee, just me, glass of wine, fab company and gorgeous food. Came home at 9:30 and lee headed over. He too had a lovely evening. It would have felt wrong to get a baby sitter to go two doors down and given that he Wom woke at 10:30, 11:30 and 12:30 was a good thing I was home.

Lee went shooting, I took the children to the farm once Wom had had a sleep. Think the famer there has a soft spot for Munch as once again we were allowed off the beaten track to some amazing starwberries! Had lunch there as time seemed right, headed home.

Daddy got back and took the children off to Croome as I was off to a darling friends surprise baby shower. It was so lovely, yes we talked shop far to much, but once again I was reminded what wonderful people I work with and how lucky I am to know them.

Home, daddy hadn't started tea! he had had car troubles on his way home so couldn't do more than 40 MPH coming back. Then the children had ended up both getting into the paddling pool so things were somewhat behind. Between the two of us we sorted tea and pudding and they were both still in bed by 7:30.

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