It's raining its pouring

Dark storm clouds have hovered about today
Physically and metaphorically
There are lots of things rumbling about at the moment, I hate this time of uncertainty and constant change

We had munchies new parents meeting today, all sounds good in principle, just need to sort childcare out which is causing me a bit of a stress

Work also started on the first phase of the garden project so the garden is now a bit of a quagmire with all the rain we have had today. I know it will wash away but just looks bad tonight

In happy news I ordered a ton of non logo uniform from marks and Spencer's yesterday with 20% off, not sure how much will fit her though as the shorts she's wearing this summer are all 18-24 months!

We both went to pick the children up tonight which is a very rare occurrence, they were both very excited by it. Sadly Wom had been bitten by another child so he had not had the greatest day!

It's meant to rain all day tomorrow

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