
By Sparky

she's just like her nanny

DD ordered some boots from ebay on Monday. I also ordered a few *blushes* things. My stuff arrived on Wednesday, and thursday, and friday.
oh and this morning.
Each time the postman walked away without leaving her boots, she looked sad :(
Then, this morning the postman knocked again (twice. is it a good film? I only remember the kitchen table scene.). DD was in the shower, so I left one parcel on her bed, and one on her chair.
I heard the scream from the kitchen and ran back up.

'I wonder when the other parcel will arrive?' I asked her

'hmm, she said' looking wistful again.

i pointed at the chair - another huge scream.

lots of posing in front of shoe mirror (doesn't that say something!!)

on other news - feeling angry. finding ways to release, avoid and deal with it, hence today included an exercise regime of running 7k, cycling 12k, walking 1 mile; housework and 2 beers.

one of my low points is when the kids go back to their dad's house, usually on a sunday evening. All my friends are busy on sunday evenings, busy with family stuff, my own family are rubbish when I'm feeling low.

So, in an attempt to resolve this I have asked the kids to stay for tea tomorrow.

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