One Good Tern Deserves a Plover.

We did a longish walk today from Dunwich - once a huge port, now a tiny village and immortalised by none other than JMW Turner - to Walberswick known as an artists' colony and home to the British Open Crabbing Championships - and back again. The outward walk was through woodland and across marsh, the return route was along the shoreline. The weather was pleasant although once again the stiff breeze cooled things down. Once again, I didn't want to take my big lens, so I made do with my little bridge camera. I was pleasantly surprised at the job it made of these two birds we saw on the shoreline - a ringed Little Tern (main image) and an unringed Ringed Plover (extra) of which there were many. Our last full day tomorrow, before the drive home on Saturday.

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